Feast/famine, rain/pour / by Jesse Glucksman

I have a pretty good status quo. For the most part, I work on short films & independent features which, while made with love, care and often legitimately respectable skill, are made by people who, like me, often have other priorities than just the movie. Day jobs to pay the bills, families to whom they're responsible. 

I am no different. My wife has a demanding career so our kids are primarily my responsibility during the day. I carpool to school and other activities with my in-laws, and most of my clients understand that while their film is hugely important to me and the dedication I put in to working on it is never in question, my time must be flexible, up to being offered a high enough daily/hourly rate or the project's short term, hard deadlines. 

Long story short, if a client is coming to work with me in my home office, it's because they don't want to pay the cost of someone who'll be dedicating 8, 10, 12 hour days to get the project done FAST, or the project must be completed in a very short time frame, period.

I will be that guy when I have to be, and am grateful for the opportunity to do so.

I may start freelancing with HotPixel, a great boutique production/post company here in Los Angeles. Working there would be a "drop everything and dedicate myself to their project" situation.

Today, I was notified that I may have work with them this week. Still waiting to be see if a) the project pans out, b) if it's something I'm actually able to do because--my kids are starting a new after school program which is shaking up our routine, I have jury duty next week (the "call the night before to see if you need to come in the next day" deal), I will be out of town the following week to visit my parents back east and while I still have The Church to attend to I'm on hold today because we're having our house re-carpeted. 

I can go weeks or months with nothing compelling to occupy my days, and other times everything hits all at once.  

Makes you long for a steady, boring day job.